We always see things, but we very rarely look at them. I love to analyse the world around me, considering the things that are so normal we don’t even think twice about them and how strange they really are. Through my work I try to encourage people to notice the weird and wonderful aspects of the human condition, and to embrace them. By purposefully taking things out of context the viewer is forced to reconsider what they are looking at and really focus on the objects form, drawing attention to the abnormality of it - like when you repeat a word so many times that it begins to feel strange and disconnected, and you wonder if it is even a word at all. Once you start then you begin to see absurdity in everything, and even the most mundane objects become full of a bizarre and nonsensical beauty, which makes life seem so much more exciting!



Please Don’t Feed The Books

Leeds Arts University - 25th April - 12th July

My first curated exhibition is currently in the library at Leeds Arts University! I have had the amazing opportunity to work with the Special Collections team to curate a show with their artists books. The books I have selected explore surrealism and absurdism through text rather than images, and include stories, aphorisms and nonsense words. I also challenged myself to create “hand stands” to hold the books open, and I’m really happy with how they turned out! I will be sharing photos of the exhibition, but if you want to view it in person just get in touch with the university and book yourself a tour!

This Is My Exhibition And I Am An Exhibitionist

The Old Red Bus Station - 30th May - 17th June

My next solo show will be opening at The Old Red Bus Station on Thursday 30th May! For this exhibition I have played with the space being an eating, drinking and dancing venue to create surrealist interpretations of these scenarios. Expect an absurd dinner, absurd dancers and absurd drinks in my second ever solo show!

Feature In Art Etcetera!

The January issue of Art Etcetera is all about absurd art, and I am so excited to be a featured artist! This is my first time having my work in a magazine and I’ve had so much fun being a part of the process.

Click the photo to check out my article along with a bunch of other absurd artists!

Holding On

Left Bank, Leeds - 3rd April - 19th May

Myself and my collective “We Didn’t Fancy” are hosting our new group exhibition at Left Bank! “Holding On” is our ode to Leeds and to the art community that we are a part of, and this show is a representation of how we hold onto art, to Leeds and to each other. “Holding On” has now been extended to 19th May!